A short introduction
Every year in August a green booklet appears in Düsseldorf with the catchy title “Respect and Courage” – Düsseldorf’s contribution to intercultural understanding. “Respect and Courage” originated in the end of 2000, during a year, in which an extraordinary amount of rightist extremist violent actions were observed. Since 2001, this Program has made its appearance each year in August. This array of events is sponsored by the following associations: Düsseldorfer Appell, Advisory Board for Foreigners in Düsseldorf, Protestants in Düsseldorf, IG Metal/DGB, Düsseldorf police-force, Rheinbahn AG, VHS Düsseldorf and Zakk.As collaboration partners we have had the opportunity to work together and have gained support from over thirty diverse institutions, enabling the development of our collective agenda. Our cooperation partners include: ecclesiastical facilities, public agencies, charities, cultural institutions and migrant associations. With cabaret and music, readings and excursions, but also with informational and educational events the cooperation partners secure a peaceful, respectful and cultural togetherness in Düsseldorf. The conjoining of ethnically diverse people in over 80 events demonstrates the chances and options of our multifaceted society without the need to conceal its problems.The program contains, amongst other things, anti-aggression training, exhibitions, tours to memorial places, museum excursions, informational events about right-wing extremism, Islamic fundamentalism and anti-Semitism, intercultural encounters, international evenings, workshops, panel discussions, intercultural neighbourhood tours, historical talks, cabaret, lectures and musical events. The wide spectrum of cooperation partners and program contributions has proved itself to be very effective, as institutions which at first sight seemed rather unsuited for each other can, from their own particular perspective, often conceptually enrich and complement each other.The integrations commission from the NRW provincial government regards: “Respect and Courage” due to the “vast amount of civilian dedication and its long lasting continuity in the North Rhein-Westfalia as one of a kind.” The 50 involved organizations, alliances, and associations are pleased that on May 2009 Düsseldorf was distinguished by the federal government as „city of diversity. “ Moreover, that our collective work has received such acknowledgement. This recognition motivates us to further support and speak up for intercultural understanding in our city. If you would like to attain further information or perhaps even take part in “Respect and Courage”; please visit our website For further assistance, contact Volker Neupert, coordinator of “Respect and Courage, at 0152-55823791.
- Aidshilfe Düsseldorf
- Arbeit und Leben DGB/VHS NRW e.V.
- Co-Memory
- Haus der Kulturen
- Amt für Statistik und Wahlen
- ASG Bildungsforum
- AWO Düsseldorf Integrationsagentur
- Binational in Düsseldorf
- Gleichstellungsbüro
- Caritas Düsseldorf Integrationsagentur
- Delil Bildungsakademie
- Diakonie Düsseldorf
- DIFI e.V.
- DRK-Integrationsagentur
- Düssel-Buntu
- Düsseldorfer Appell
- Düsseldorfer Aufklärungsdienst
- Düsseldorfer Filmkunstkinos
- Eine Welt Forum
- Erinnerungs- und Lernort „Alter Schlachthof"
- evangelisch in Düsseldorf
- Evangelische Stadtakademie Düsseldorf
- Evangelischer Kirchenkreis Düsseldorf- Seelsorgefortbildung und -Vermittlung
- Fachstelle für Gewaltprävention
- Forum Freies Theater
- Forum Düsseldorfer Lesben-, Schwulen- und Transgruppen
- Frauenberatungsstelle Düsseldorf
- Freimaurerinnenloge CONSTANTIA i.Or. Düsseldorf
- Gerhart-Hauptmann-Haus
- Gesellschaft der Griechischen AutorInnen
- Gesellschaft für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit
- Grenzenlos e.V.
- Heinrich-Heine-Institut
- IGM Metall Düsseldorf-Neuss
- IKS e.V.
- Multikulturelles Forum
- Institut français
- Integrationsagentur Diakonie Düsseldorf
- Interkulturelles Demenznetzwerk
- Jüdische Gemeinde
- JMD - Diakonie Düsseldorf
- Junges Schauspielhaus
- Katholische Kirche in Düsseldorf
- Kommunales Integrationszentrum Düsseldorf
- Kin-Top e.V.
- Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
- Kunstsammlung
- Landespräventionsstelle gegen Gewalt und Cybergewalt
- Lernort Studio
- Literaturbüro NRW
- Mahn- und Gedenkstätte
- Maxhaus
- MBE - Diakonie Düsseldorf
- Migrantinnenverein
- Ministerium für Inneres und Kommunales
- Mosaik e.V.
- museum kunst palast
- Park-Kultur D-Mitte
- Pfarramt für Notfallseelsorge
- Polizei Düsseldorf
- Polnisches Institut
- Pro Mädchen
- Rather Familienzentrum
- Romani Dzamija - Moscheeveein
- Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf
- SINTI Union Düsseldorf
- Stadtbüchereien Düsseldorf
- Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf
- Stadtteilladen Flingern
- Deutsch-Italienische Gesellschaft Düsseldorf
- Telefonseelsorge Düsseldorf
- Terno Drom e.V.
- Tonhalle Düsseldorf
- Tschechisches Zentrum
- Verband Deutscher Sinti und Roma
- Düsseldorf Darstellen und Vermitteln e.V
- Volkshochschule Düsseldorf
- We are Europe!
- Westdeutscher Autorenverband
- zakk
- Zentrum für Schulpsychologie
- Schirmleute:
- Lorenz Bahr-Hedemann
- Heinrich Fucks
- Dr. Stephan Keller

Demokratiefest 2019 - Die wunderbaren Cool Cats

Erste Demo gegen AfD, Dügida und Konsorten, Dezember 2014

Plakataktion 2017, NDMO e.V.

Rick´s Café - Lesung im Jungen Schauspielhaus, September 2016

Vorstellung Düsseldorfer Erklärung, 27.6 .2018 im Rathaus, Senem Aksun

Demokratiefest 2019 - Die Zukunft ist weiblich!

Plakataktion 2017, Kin-Top

Appell-Jubiläum, Superintendentin und DA-Sprecherin Henrike Tetz